PM Point of View

We asked for examples of project failure and we got an earful from participants of the PMIWDC 2015 PM Symposium.

From the realities of Federal Government Health Care and IT systems, to the business environments of regional theatre and Role Playing Games, we had tales of failure and recovery in locales as newsworthy and disparate as New Haven, Afghanistan and Baltimore, on topics from IT, to program management, to event management, curriculum design and organizational change.

Whether it was missteps in stakeholder communications, scope and quality, risk and contingency or flat out leadership failure, our PMs were there…sometimes part of the problem and sometimes part of the fix, but always with a front row seat in the messy project arena that often plays to failure…and later lessons for success!

Listen and learn and snag a PDU, then email us with your topic of failure you might want to record for a part 2!

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to — over 6.75 PDUs by listening to the entire series!

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: PMPOV0023
  • PDUs for this episode: 1
Direct download: Project_Failure__v2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm EDT

Listen to our three experts give their recommendations on how to build connections, ways to approach networking and how to use LinkedIn well beyond its “job hunting” capacity. Ultimately, making connections, doing the work of planning for networking (virtual and physical), and maintaining the ongoing interrelationships it generates, is all about enhancing your company’s brand or creating your own personal brand. So, grab a pen and paper, order more business cards, and get ready to shake some hands after you have listened to, “Connections.”

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

Direct download: PMIWDC_Podcast22-Connections.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19am EDT

Featuring Lisa Blumerman, the U.S. Census Bureau’s Associate Director for the Decennial Census Programs, this episode takes us on a tour of the portfolio of projects that lead up to the US Census, conducted every ten years. Harnessing the power of constantly evolving technology, along with strong PM and portfolio practices, the Census Bureau strives to reduce costs while maintaining the rich value and accuracy of the data it collects. It’s part of the foundation of our democracy, and at its core, it’s a project.

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to — over 6.25 PDUs by listening to the entire series!

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: PMPOV0021
  • PDUs for this episode: 0.5

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About the Speaker

Lisa M. Blumerman

U.S. Census Bureau
Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs

Lisa Blumerman is the U.S. Census Bureau’s Associate Director for the Decennial Census Programs. She provides executive leadership and direction for the 2020 Census, the American Community Survey and for the Census Bureau’s Geographic Programs.

From 2008 through 2013, Blumerman was Chief of the Governments Division at the Census Bureau. She was responsible for overseeing data collection and the development and release of statistics on the characteristics and key indicators of our nation's federal, state and local governments. In this capacity, Blumerman directed and managed the Census of Governments and 25 annual and quarterly surveys that measure government activity.

Blumerman has worked at the Census Bureau since 1997. She has served as chief of the Customer Liaison and Marketing Services Office; deputy chief of the American Community Survey Office; the administrative records coordinator in the Policy Office; and chief of the Population Estimates Branch. Before coming to the Census Bureau, she served as a senior research analyst for the American Public Welfare Association.

Blumerman is a recipient of the Arthur S. Flemming Award for exceptional achievement in federal government service. The U.S. Department of Commerce has honored her contributions by awarding her a silver and two bronze medals for distinguished service in the federal government. She holds a master's degree in demography from Georgetown University and a bachelor's degree in sociology with a concentration in population studies from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Direct download: America_Counts__The_US_Census_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:29am EDT

We present a snapshot of some of the most representative speakers and topics from the Silver Spring Chapter's "Actionable Intelligence: Tools, Techniques and Templates for Project Managers" symposium in June of 2015.

With a field of 30 presenters, the symposium lived up to its promise of providing a valuable professional development event, and produced hours of discussion and learning.

From best reporting methods, to improved portfolio techniques and discussions on the role of PMs in producing more and being customer-focused, the symposium was a success and participants had specific tools that they could start using the next week “on the job.”

Grab a pen and paper, and have a listen to these 9 presenters sharing tips, techniques, new ideas and of course, tools--and then check out the chapter website at

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PDU Information

You can earn Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to — over 5.75 PDUs by listening to the entire series!

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: PMPOV0020
  • PDUs for this episode: 1

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Direct download: Hot_Topics_from_the_PMI_Silver_Spring_Symposium.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:21am EDT

Helping kids be safe, getting them fed, and making great places for them to play, Project Management techniques are being used to improve the lives of children.

Listen to the stories of Maria Gomez of Mary’s Center, Karen McLoughlin of No Kid Hungry, and Katrina Hill of KaBOOM! as they tell how their missions are served through organizing work and resources in the Project Management way.

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

Direct download: Project__Kids_FINAL01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:08am EDT

PM in All the Right Places

Get a free PDU by listening to the full length podcast.

Here we bundle four previous podcasts that tell a greater narrative about PM tools and techniques in activities you might not have thought of—and you can submit a PDU claim when get to the end.

In four segments, this podcast covers PM roles in theatre, wedding planning, winemaking and campaign management.

Download, listen, and learn!

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to.

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: PMPOV0018

» More PM-POV Episodes

Direct download: PM_In_All_The_Right_Places_PDU_Edition.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:18am EDT

“The Campaign Trail: Project Management on the Run", with Tom Bowen, Political Communications and Management Professional, New Chicago Consulting, LLC

Tom Bowen provides us with insight into how political campaigns work– with so much money and media involved, the pressure to be organized, to hire and motivate the right team, and to maintain impeccable fiscal control is daunting.

From the PM Point of View, the political campaign manager takes on this high-stakes job where the schedule end date (election night) is fixed, the budget is unpredictable, and the scope validation (a winning candidate after the ballot count) is brutally personal and public.

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Do you have comments or thoughts about this episode? Join the discussion on our Facebook page

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn 0.25 Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to!

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: 06082015PC

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About the Speaker

Thomas C. Bowen

New Chicago Consulting, LLC
Political Communications and Management Professional

Thomas C. Bowen is a political communications and management professional with a decade of experience in some of the most interesting and exciting organizations in the country.

He has managed six campaigns ranging from Chicago City Council to U.S. Senate, and has worked and consulted on dozens of federal and local races across the country, including the 2008 presidential campaign for Barack Obama. He was most recently the deputy campaign manager for Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago’s first new mayor in 22 years and later established and managed his leadership Political Action Committee.

He regularly provides commentary as an expert source on political issues for Chicago-based media organizations and is often quoted in national publications for his expertise on politics. He has provided commentary and analysis for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the National Journal, POLITICO, and the NY Daily News.

Bowen launched his career in politics as a press aide to then State Senator Barack Obama working under communications director Robert Gibbs. He previously worked in Washington, D.C as a staff assistant to Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and as a reporter for the National Journal under Senior Hotline Editor Chuck Todd.

Tom earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Illinois Wesleyan University and currently lives in the West Loop neighborhood of Chicago with his wife Aviva.

Direct download: The_Campaign_Trail__Project_Management_on_the_Run_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:52am EDT

“Innovation: When 100% is not the Goal” with Oliver Schlake and Michael Hannan

“Innovation.” A simple word with so many characteristics: Evolutionary versus revolutionary, open versus closed. Innovation reaches far beyond the common concept of new technology or “innovative approaches.”

It comes from culture, diverse team design, leadership, encouragement, risk and accountability. The innovative environment can be harnessed, linked to strategic planning, and ultimately, planned for – and PMs play a big role in making innovation real in their organizations.

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Do you have comments or thoughts about this episode? Join the discussion on our Facebook page

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn 0.25 Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to.

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: 04272015PC

» More PM-POV Episodes

About the Speakers

Oliver Schlake

Robert H. Smith School of Business
Clinical Professor
Dr. Oliver Schlake is a Clinical Professor at Robert H. Smith School of Business, a senior business consultant, entrepreneur and researcher. His publications and research on scenario-based strategic planning and innovation strategy have been featured in leading academic and practitioner journals worldwide. Oliver has been an international management consultant and strategic advisor for leading companies and government agencies in Europe and North-America. Prior to joining the Smith School he was Assistant Professor for E-Business at National University, San Diego and CEO for German based consulting firm Scenario Management International (ScMI AG).

Michael Hannan, PMP

Fortezza Consulting, LLC
Principal Consultant & Founder

Mike Hannan is Founder & Principal Consultant at Fortezza Consulting, a management consulting firm whose innovative techniques help organizations achieve dramatic improvements in project portfolio performance. Mike brings nearly 25 years’ experience as a Consulting Executive, IT Project Portfolio and Program Manager, Process Engineer, and Software Architect, and still doesn’t know what he wants to do when he grows up. His background in Project Portfolio Management (PPM) started at NASA in the early 1990s supporting large, complex initiatives such as the International Space Station and High-Performance Computing & Communications (HPCC) programs. Since then he has managed and consulted on $500M+ project portfolios, and trained CIOs and other senior executives in Federal Civilian, Military, and Commercial environments. He is also the author of the recent best-selling book, “The CIO’s Guide to Breakthrough Project Portfolio Performance.”

Direct download: Innovation__When_100_Success_is_Not_the_Goal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:27am EDT

“From Vine to Wine: The Vintner’s Tale” with Stephen Barnard

Heraclitus said, “The only constant is change.” Stephen Barnard, Winemaker at Keswick Winery tells us the vintner’s version is “The only consistency is that next year will be different.” Listen in as Stephen reveals the project management point of view of how the grapes are transformed into wine…where all the important parts of the project from schedule to stakeholder tastes are the ones that can’t be controlled.

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Do you have comments or thoughts about this episode? Join the discussion on our Facebook page

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn 0.25 Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to!

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: 03272015PC

» More PM-POV Episodes

About the Speaker

Stephen Barnard

Keswick Vineyards
Wine Maker/Vineyard Manager

Stephen started working in the wine industry at Groot Constantia Winery, the oldest winery in South Africa, as a pourer and tour guide. Through various courses of events he managed to find a position in the cellar as a cellar worker and then eventually became the assistant winemaker there. He studied Enology and Viticulture at Elsenburg Agricultural College. Upon completion of his studies Stephen became the assistant winemaker at Flagstone Winery where he worked exclusively with red wines.

Through the Ohio State Internship program he came to Virginia in 2002 and joined Keswick Vineyards as an intern and held that position until May 2004 when he took the position of Winemaker at Rappahannock Cellars. In June of 2006 he re-joined Keswick Vineyards as the Winemaker and General Manager.

Stephen’s philosophy for winemaking is minimal intervention. He prefers to focus on the vineyard to produce optimal fruit for wine making.. Keswick Vineyards is one of the few wineries that ferments most of its wines without the addition of yeast and do not fine or filter any of their reds since the 2006 harvest. Keswick Vineyards is committed to producing world class wines and are now seeing the potential Virginia, as well as Keswick Vineyards, has to offer.

Direct download: From_Vine_to_Wine__The_Vintners_Tale_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:22am EDT

“The Practical Art of Networking” with John Gilroy

PMs hear “network” and think (network) diagrams, but “networking” is what needs to ring loudly to them – we must communicate, be ready to learn, have experts to call, and of course, always build stakeholder relationships. Good networking skills are essential. The wider your network, the more effective you are at all levels. In this podcast, John Gilroy, DC networker and social media guru tells us how to do it with five easy steps.

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Do you have comments or thoughts about this episode? Join the discussion on our Facebook page

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn 0.25 Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to.

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: 02272015PC

» More PM-POV Episodes

About the Speaker

John Gilroy

BLT Global Ventures LLC
Director of Marketing and Business Development

John Gilroy has been involved in the tech community in Washington, D.C. for over twenty years. He has been on WAMU 88.5 FM as one of The Computer Guys since 1991. Also, he has conducted 390 interviews on Federal News Radio. In addition to his 218 blog posts, he has written 523 columns for The Washington Post. In 2014, John won the Tropaia Award for outstanding faculty at Georgetown University. His day job is leading the social media marketing team at BLT.

Direct download: The_Practical_Art_of_Networking.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:04am EDT

The Creative Process: Music and Project Management

“The Creative Process: Music and Project Management”

The United Kingdom of PMI is taking outreach seriously, as Project Management is exposed to the universities there. In this podcast we follow the introduction of PM methods into the University of Derby, School of Art and Design—and discover the unusual cross influences of creativity and PM.

Do you have comments or thoughts about this episode? Join the discussion on our Facebook page

Project Management Point-of-View (PM-POV), a podcast series produced by the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute, allows our membership and the public at large to listen to brief and informative conversations with beltway area practioners and executives as they discuss various perspectives on project management-- its uses, its shortcomings, its changes, and its future. Listens can send comments and suggestions for topics and guests to:

PDU Information

You can earn 0.25 Category "A" PDUs for each PM-POV podcast you listen to.

Use the following information in PMI's CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast:

  • PDU Category: Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  • Activity Type: "Find an Activity"
  • Provider Number: C046
  • Activity Number: 02042015PC

» More PM-POV Episodes

About the Speakers

Duncan Chappell

Past President
PMI UK Chapter

Duncan Chappell, PMP, is an experienced Project Manager with his main focus being IT infrastructure. He joined ExxonMobil at the age of sixteen in 1979 and has worked in a number of roles spending the early part of his career at sea training as a Deck Officer. With no seagoing jobs available after qualifying he made the unusual move to be an accounts payable clerk, then moved into transport planning and onto a being a transport supervisor. He got into IT and projects whilst standing in for a systems analyst during a UK wide system upgrade in 1987.

Roles followed as a Systems Analyst, Network Analyst, Infrastructure Coordinator, Quality Assurance Manager, Co-dependent Projects Analyst and Project Manager with the roles becoming wider reaching in geography, technology and responsibility. Types of projects worked on include the pilot for what became a global SAP implementation, a global server and desktop roll-out, and a global HR SAP system upgrade. He is currently the PM for the network device replacement program working with teams that span from Melbourne to Calgary, and also runs the Data Privacy Reengineering project with a US & Europe based team.

Outside of work Duncan is a keen volunteer. He was a school governor for 13 years, was an executive on the Oxfordshire Governors Association for 5 years and has been actively involved in the Project Management Institute (PMI) UK Chapter since 2007. He was the PM for the PMI UK Chapter annual event in 2008 for which he picked up the PMI EMEA Volunteer Leader of the Year award. He was the PMI UK Chapter Communications Director for three years, then two years as the President and is currently the University Outreach Director. He is married to Vanessa and has two children, Robert in his second year at the University of the Arts, London and Nicole who is her first year at Cardiff Metropolitan University.


Raji Sivaraman

PMI Chapter Member Advisory Group (CMAG)

Raji Sivaraman is a long time certified PMP (Project Management Professional) and has a Master of Science in Project Management. She is a citizen of Singapore and is currently living in Princeton, NJ. She speaks several languages and has worked in many countries including Singapore, Thailand, India, and USA.

She has been a part of the Project Management Institute, for well over a decade, rising through the ranks from a volunteer to a Global position. Currently, she is a part of the Chapter Member Advisory Group of PMI Global. As a Consultant, she has worked in many industries such as IT, publishing, billing solutions, financial services, education, and logistics industries.


Chris Wilson

University of Derby
Senior Lead in Learning Enhancement, Department of Learning Enhancement

Chris is Senior Learning and Teaching Adviser for the Institute for Learning Enhancement and Innovation, Faculty Curriculum Development Manager and Senior Academic in the Faculty of Arts, Design & Technology of the University of Derby in the UK.

A classically trained musician and practitioner in the technological arts with approaching 20 years experience of teaching in higher education, Chris has presented and published widely on the subjects of creativity, artistry, technology and education, and is an active member of the American Creativity Association, Associate and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, principle researcher of the Creative Technologies Research Group, and associate of the Digital and Material Arts Research Centre in the UK.

Direct download: The_Creative_Process_Music_and_Project_Management_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am EDT