PM Point of View

How does a graduate program at a university - a program that has assiduously maintained a 100% face-to-face classroom ethos - swing into virtual reality at a moment's notice? The program in question here is Industrial Organizational Psychology. The university is the University of Houston, Clear Lake. For this virtual round table, three professors reflect on the past year: the response, the challenges, the losses and what will never be the same again.

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  • PDU Category: Online or Digital Media
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  • Activity Number: PMPOV0084
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About the Speakers


Alex Milam is an associate professor and program director of the industrial-organizational psychology program at the University of Houston–Clear Lake. He has many research interests, notably workplace mistreatment, training and development, and the role that personality plays in the workplace. He has presented and published his research around the world, and his work on the personality of workplace incivility targets has been published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.  

Scott Elmes McIntyre, Ph.D. is a Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Occupational Health Psychology at the Department of Clinical, Health and Applied Sciences at the University of Houston-Clear Lake.  He, and his wife, Dr. Teresa McIntyre have conducted research on occupational stress in at-risk professions for more than 20 years. Dr. McIntyre has co-edited several books, such as “Occupational Health Psychology: European perspectives on research, education and practice.” Vols. I and II (2006, 2007 and the latest “Educator Stress: An occupational health perspective.”. 

Dr. Lisa Sublett joined the UH-Clear Lake I/O program as an Assistant Professor of I/O Psychology in 2016. She teaches courses in research design and statistics, employee selection, and job attitudes. Dr. Sublett enjoys conducting research projects on diverse topics. Her current research interests include work-life balance, imposter phenomenon, employee attitudes, and employee stress. She has expertise in statistics and psychometrics and applied experience in designing employee morale surveys for companies in the Houston area. 

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